The first, from dancer Macy Sullivan, drew on illuminati eyes and set the course for the unibrow thread ... the second, from actor Daniel Pettrow, illustrated the power of the single brow and got us singing 'Tears of a Clown', once more:
As our mirth abated, we pondered the power of the unibrow. This drew us straight towards a true icon, artist, visionary and feminist ... Frida Kahlo, who once wrote:

The madness of the world seems to reflect in kate. We position her as an icon, an artist, a visionary and - believe it or not - even sometimes as a feminist. Some have analyzed this in interesting and certainly valid ways (e.g. see Daisy Buchanan's interesting take on the representation of kate on her 40th birthday, and her influence, "I don't think Kate Moss is an icon") and ishotkatemoss challenges you to google "kate moss feminist" and not feel depressed by the amount of time and energy spent on debating this topic in academic settings ...
We quite simply think of the idea of kate, in many ways, as a false idol.
As such, we pondered how this could be reflected in the context of our project. Why not simply do what Macy and Daniel had done, using the power of the most important unibrow? So we did:
Shortly after posting this image on instagram we were reminded of where the unibrow first becomes embedded in the childhood psyche ... Bert, from Bert & Ernie!

From "The Muppet Show: Connie Stevens (#1.2)" (1977):
Ernie: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Gee, it's really great to be here. Right, Bert? Bert: Ah, I guess so.
Ernie: Oh, what's wrong, Bert?
Bert: Well, I mean, I feel funny being here, this is a big TV variety show, you know?
Ernie: So?
Bert: I'm no performer.
Ernie: Oh, Bert. A suave, sophisticated showman like you, Bert?
Bert: Oh, sure, sure. I know you. You're gonna keep on saying I'm suave and sophisticated, and then when I start to believe it, then you're gonna say how pointy head I have, and how floppy arms I have, and how dull I am, I know you.
Ernie: Bert, you must admit, though, Bert, that the head up there is a little bit pointy, Bert. And you must admit that the arms are a little bit floppy and soggy, Bert. And Bert?
[pulls off Bert's nose]
Ernie: The nose is still loose Bert.
Bert: Cut that out!
Ernie: Oh, I'm sorry, Bert, here. There you go, Bert.
[puts Bert's nose back on his face]
Bert: See what I mean? I mean that old loose-nose joke is funny on Sesame Street, but this is big-time, Ernie. I mean they're expecting an act or something.
Ernie: Hey, Bert, wait a minute. You can do an act. All you need are the clothes Bert. Come over here, Bert! Step right here, Bert!
Why not? We can use the detachable nose, get Bert the clothes and use another iconic unibrow?
Bert: Ernie, why must you always humiliate me?
Ernie: C'mon, Bert. Somebody has to play MaMa, and you lost the toss.
Bert: Oh, well, just get it over with.
Bert: Ernie? Ernie, come here... did I just make a complete fool of myself?
Ernie: [patting Bert's shoulder] Absolutely, Bert.
Bert: Take me home. I feel terrible.
Observe the Unibrow. Slow Down. Shoot. Submit
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